Selected Papers 22 페이지

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Selected Papers List

Total 337 Count 22 Page
Selected Papers List
No. Title Author Date Hit
22 [2020] Full-scale collapse testing of a steel stiffened plate structur… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 7141
21 [2020] Investigation of the Structural Strength of Existing Blast Wall… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 7455
20 [2020] Computational models for the structural crashworthiness analysi… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 7561
19 [2020] A study on collision strength assessment of a jack-up rig with … 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 7636
18 [2020] Methodology for collision-frequency analysis of wind-turbine in… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 7820
17 [2021] Theoretical investigation on hub structure design of subsea con… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 7949
16 [2021] Finite element modeling for the progressive collapse analysis o… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 8129
15 [2021] Ultimate Compressive Strength of Steel Stiffened-Plate Structur… 관련링크 Admin 21-09-13 7129
14 [2021] The ISSC 2022 committee III.1-Ultimate strength benchmark study… 관련링크 Admin 21-09-13 7005
13 [2021] Effects of the structural strength of fire protection insulatio… 관련링크 Admin 21-09-13 6742
12 [2021] Effect of mooring line layout on the loads of ship-shaped offsh… 관련링크 Admin 22-06-02 5474
11 [2021] A hybrid method for the safety zone design in truck-to-ship LNG… 관련링크 Admin 22-06-02 5311
10 [2021] Numerical Validation of the Two-Way Fluid-Structure Interaction… 관련링크 Admin 22-06-02 5163
9 [2021] Method for determining the design load of an aluminium handrail… 관련링크 Admin 22-06-02 5188
8 [2022] Analysis of fire-induced progressive collapse for topside struc… 관련링크 Admin 22-06-02 5105
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