Selected Papers 3 페이지

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Selected Papers List

Total 337 Count 3 Page
Selected Papers List
No. Title Author Date Hit
307 [2021] Ultimate Compressive Strength of Steel Stiffened-Plate Structur… 관련링크 Admin 21-09-13 6157
306 [2020] Direct measurements and numerical predictions of welding-induce… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6161
305 [2019] Wearable device for a marine-leisure-based multi sensor 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6198
304 [2020] Full-scale collapse testing of a steel stiffened plate structur… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6233
303 [2020] Full-scale collapse testing of a steel stiffened plate structur… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6257
302 [2019] A review of the integrity management of subsea production syste… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6295
301 [2019] Optimal lamination design of composite cylinders using an empir… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6327
300 [2019] Modified wake oscillator model for vortex-induced motion predic… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6345
299 [2019] Development of an empirical formula for residual strength asses… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6391
298 [2020] Residual stresses distribution in long seam-welded offshore cat… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6416
297 [2019] Effects of the surface preparation on the life of epoxy coating… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6451
296 [2019] A new method for determining the design values of wave-induced … 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6456
295 [2019] A Preliminary Risk Assessment on the Development of a Small-Sca… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6508
294 [2019] An empirical formulation for predicting welding-induced biaxial… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6515
293 [2020] Effects of naturally-progressed corrosion on the chemical and m… 관련링크 Admin 21-02-25 6520
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